
For the few who check this blog intermittently, I’ve transferred it to blogger since this wordpress will probably deactivate when I graduate from USF.

Otherwise…nothing new D:

<3 PJs

JoAnn’s had flannel fabrics on sale and since I had a couple weeks off in April, I decided to make some matching PJ shorts for my little sister and I. I’ve never made shorts before, so it was quite the adventure trying to make a pattern from an existing pair.

When I showed my brother, he got the crazy idea that we should all match so…with the remaining fabric [and then some] I made him a man-tank :)

Bodycon? skirt

I bought fabrics a while ago and finally made myself a skirt w exposed zipper [back in January]. Woop. Took a while for me since classes were crazy busy at the time, but I found tutorials on bodycon skirts and decided to go for it spur of the moment. [apologies for messy room/mirror pic]


I wore it to my College of Medicine’s Talent Show the next day [yay last minute sewing!] and found a hunting room at the venue, so the moose was a must.