Archive for the ‘ From scratch/remnants ’ Category

<3 PJs

JoAnn’s had flannel fabrics on sale and since I had a couple weeks off in April, I decided to make some matching PJ shorts for my little sister and I. I’ve never made shorts before, so it was quite the adventure trying to make a pattern from an existing pair.

When I showed my brother, he got the crazy idea that we should all match so…with the remaining fabric [and then some] I made him a man-tank :)

Bodycon? skirt

I bought fabrics a while ago and finally made myself a skirt w exposed zipper [back in January]. Woop. Took a while for me since classes were crazy busy at the time, but I found tutorials on bodycon skirts and decided to go for it spur of the moment. [apologies for messy room/mirror pic]


I wore it to my College of Medicine’s Talent Show the next day [yay last minute sewing!] and found a hunting room at the venue, so the moose was a must.

Gingkoes and Sailboats

I finally finished the yoga mat bag for S…just in time for M’s birthday! So, I whipped up a quick bag for her too >.< Wooooo!!


Yoga mat bag took me a couple months to make because I wanted it to be a bit more fitted than what I made myself and I am quite happy with how it turned out. The nautical bag, on the other hand, was made on the fly with less planning. Maybe this goes to show that I’m getting the hang of this sewing business :)

EDIT: I added a zipper to yoga bag to make it fit better. No pics, but it now fits the mat like a glove. Ooooh, yea!