Archive for the ‘ Some thoughts ’ Category

Voluntary Simplicity/Downshifting

That sums it up pretty well haha, but I’ll write a little more so that I’ve accomplished more than just finding a picture. :P

Voluntary Simplicity

From what I gather, it’s the overall ideals of living a simple life. Finding happiness and fulfillment in activities that have little to no monetary value. It is a re-evaluation of life which oftentimes goes against the materialism and consumer culture of today’s world. However, voluntary simplicity does not mean you need to live in poverty. Yes, being frugal often helps, but the goal is not to save money; it is to strike a balance in life.

Be frugal, but not cheap. Spend on what matters and just…be happy.

Choosing Voluntary Simplicity

This might entail redefining many key points in your life.

Example = money
Money was created as a tool for exchange. It really has no value except for trading purposes. You can get goods from other sources than money; personal efforts and exchanges [reciprocity] have worked for people long before money was invented. But, you obviously can’t just get rid of money. Instead, think of the saying “Time is Money.” You have to spend so much time at work to make money. You invest so much of your life into it, why not spend wisely? When you have a tough day at work, you might want to splurge; retail therapy, anyone? But spending that much means you have to invest more time at work to pay for it.

Just take a look at your consumption. What are your basic vs. work/school related needs and WHY do you consume-is it in line with your values? A lot of spending may be connected to emotions; sense of belonging, self-esteem, community, etc. By looking at what you spend, you might find benefits of nonmaterial consumption and, in turn, not fall into the trap of conspicuous consumption. [Conspicuous consumption is the buying of goods to show wealth; think of one-upmanship  and status conferred by possessions.]

By having some insight, you will start to change how you live and may downshift your life, but upshift your happiness.

What’s money got to do with it? By Vicki Robin

New American Dream

My sustainability class [geez, is this where I get all my information? I should start researching on my own haha] brought me to an online community called The Center for a New American Dream that basically espouses the idea of sustainability in all walks of life. I didn’t check out all parts of the site, but I read their mission/vision and a few blogs about consumption.

Their idea goes a little like this: the American dream is one of hope for a better life and future for generations to come. However, this dream has recently transformed to a mentality of “more is better” and “out with the old, in with the new.” Not everyone thinks this way, but a vast majority of companies market this idea with their fancy-shmancy advertising and/or cheap prices, and then we’re hooked.

Regardless, communities like New American Dream show that people are starting to change. With the green movement becoming fashionable [and businesses profitting from making 'green' items] people are becoming aware of environmental impacts. However, lifestyle changes are not possible for some people and it’s difficult to change on a large scale, especially if the infrastructure isn’t there. With the economy as it is now, who knows when we will be able to reorganize government policies to accomodate environmentally friendly lifestyles. And, as unfortunate as it is, being eco-friendly isn’t always cheap…I might write more on this later.

I’m not saying that we should all stop buying objects that are wants instead of needs. Go ahead and consume! BUT, even though it takes more time, we should try to investigate the origins of our items beforehand. Or invest in items that will not need to be replaced within the near future.

One blog post I read had a great take-away message that I felt needed to be shared:

“There are lots of ways to renew, while still making our lives more recognizable to ourselves. Maybe our culture is moving back in the direction of holding on to things. It’s good practice for creating a life full of texture and grasp-able things. Tellingly, when something is really worn it becomes well-worn. Worn the way it’s supposed to be. Here’s to the old, the renewed, and the new with the promise of becoming well-worn.”

Slight Deviation from the Norm

Since this blog is for my thesis project concerning sustainability and the voluntary simplicity movement, I figured it’d be a good idea to start writing about it. I gave a very brief introduction to what these concepts are in A Little Background… but haven’t mentioned it in any of my weekly project posts.

So, why not start today?

I am taking a class called Sustainable Consumption this semester. So far, we have covered the broad topics of consumerism, pollution, food and water, and starting this week, clothing. Today’s class required us to read an article by Juliet B. Schor called “Cleaning the Closet: Toward a New Fashion Ethic” published in Sustainable Planet (2002.)

This article talks about how clothes came to be cheap and the consumer mindset fostered by advertisements which surround us. I fall into this trap at times too. The idea that we need to buy more clothes to add variety to our wardrobes, that we should follow fashion trends, that ‘you can’t wear the same dress twice,’ that you can’t pass up a bargain…these are pretty hard habits to break. However, if you think about how those cheap clothes are made [primarily sweat shops] and how workers are treated, you might think twice about buying that brand new pair of boots that would match perfectly with your brand new dress. It’s like the Diderot effect-you buy one new item and feel compelled to revamp everything else in the process.

Fortunately, there are alternatives. Stop shopping is one, but might be a bit too drastic for many. If anything, spend more on good quality clothing that will stand the test of time instead of diving into bargain bins for anything. Spending is studied all the time and if certain trends are noticed, then businesses can adapt. Schor discusses several methods to clothing sustainability for a personal and global scale.

I found the article gave me a slightly new outlook on my project. I won’t be changing things on a global scale, but I am raising awareness-for myself and some of the people around me. There are so many people who have adopted a DIY lifestyle and/or support local businesses and the numbers keep growing! It’s amazing what awareness can do in affecting a person’s decisions. My campus has hosted a few events that focused on supporting local businesses. There were so many unique restaurants and stores that I never even knew existed! I’m starting to go off on a tangent now, but it’s pretty exciting to be part of a generation that promotes changes in terms of our sustainability.