Posts Tagged ‘ Voluntary Simplicity


I tend to equate simplicity with country living. You work hard during the day and kick back when the sun goes down. Nothing too fancy, but you have what you need and everything you need is enough. But, when was the last time you stopped and thought, “I’m happy with my life and need nothing more?” This hardly ever happens because we are in constant want of something-anything, really-like Bill McKibben’s “grasping machine.” There are several reasons behind our consumption, but how legitimate are they? I find that many people buy items just because it’s on sale, it’s cute, everyone has it, the brand is well-known, etc. Are these items necessary, or do we buy them to make ourselves look better in the eyes of our peers? It seems to me that the latter is true more often than not. If so, our lives are controlled and defined by our purchases.

I don’t like the sound of that.

Our idiosyncrasies exist because we are not created from the same mold. So, why do we follow trends and buy items to fit in? We should embrace our individuality. Even though I’d love to follow through with my creative whims, I still find myself stalling. I start thinking of what others will think and feel less confident in my self-sufficiency.  It’s easier to stay within the societal norm than be seen as unusual. We don’t like situations that are glaringly different because we do not know how to react; the same goes for people. I know that whenever I see someone who looks or dresses different, I make some judgments. Sometimes, I’m more curious about him/her, but at the same time, feel as though I’m not living up to my full individualistic capabilities. Other times I think the person is eccentric, odd or a misfit. And sometimes, I begin to wonder how they can look so different and receive stares from the public without batting an eye. Personally, I don’t like the feeling of people giving me attention, so if I were to stick out like a sore thumb, I’d be very anxious. Whenever I make a new shirt or dress and wear it in public, I feel more self-conscious as if people just know that what I’m wearing was made from recycled fabrics. Being accepted may be more important than expressing your self. There’s a fear that you will be ostracized or ridiculed by the public for being different. It helps if you have a support system; online communities are sprouting up everywhere you turn because as humans, we feel the need for reassurance and acceptance: to know there are other people in the world who live in the same manner.

A less extreme, and less judgmental option to spending [next to] nothing would be to downshift. Living on less, but not in austerity. With the economy in recent years, many have already cut down on their spending. People have begun to create with their purchases instead of purely consuming. Some find this a hassle, but others find enjoyment in their handiwork and have a new sense of satisfaction. Although they may have less, the time and effort put into the products results in a far more rewarding experience than simply buying goods.

Maybe I will start focusing on the positive aspects of living simply and begin my journey into a similar lifestyle. I’ve already taken a few steps, it just needs a leap of faith.

Voluntary Simplicity/Downshifting

That sums it up pretty well haha, but I’ll write a little more so that I’ve accomplished more than just finding a picture. :P

Voluntary Simplicity

From what I gather, it’s the overall ideals of living a simple life. Finding happiness and fulfillment in activities that have little to no monetary value. It is a re-evaluation of life which oftentimes goes against the materialism and consumer culture of today’s world. However, voluntary simplicity does not mean you need to live in poverty. Yes, being frugal often helps, but the goal is not to save money; it is to strike a balance in life.

Be frugal, but not cheap. Spend on what matters and just…be happy.

Choosing Voluntary Simplicity

This might entail redefining many key points in your life.

Example = money
Money was created as a tool for exchange. It really has no value except for trading purposes. You can get goods from other sources than money; personal efforts and exchanges [reciprocity] have worked for people long before money was invented. But, you obviously can’t just get rid of money. Instead, think of the saying “Time is Money.” You have to spend so much time at work to make money. You invest so much of your life into it, why not spend wisely? When you have a tough day at work, you might want to splurge; retail therapy, anyone? But spending that much means you have to invest more time at work to pay for it.

Just take a look at your consumption. What are your basic vs. work/school related needs and WHY do you consume-is it in line with your values? A lot of spending may be connected to emotions; sense of belonging, self-esteem, community, etc. By looking at what you spend, you might find benefits of nonmaterial consumption and, in turn, not fall into the trap of conspicuous consumption. [Conspicuous consumption is the buying of goods to show wealth; think of one-upmanship  and status conferred by possessions.]

By having some insight, you will start to change how you live and may downshift your life, but upshift your happiness.

What’s money got to do with it? By Vicki Robin