Oops…and Happy New Year!

The japanese club, along with chinese language and culture club, hosted an event last Saturday called A Night in Tokyo. I figured this would be the perfect time to make a kimono-style blouse. I’ve seen several that I’ve wanted to make and planned on how I would make them, only to realize that my remnant fabrics are, well, just that. Remnants. I didn’t have enough fabric to make an entire shirt. Luckily, I stumbled across a half-kimono shirt and figured I’d give it a whirl.

I used scrap fabric from a bed sheet to make a mock-up to see if the remnant fabric would be enough to make this top. I forgot to take pics of this process since I was just sewing on a whim, but I took the remnant I wanted to use and cut out the same size using the bed sheet. I ended up cutting out extra strips for the bottom portion to make it tie in the back.

Didn’t you love sesame street as a kid? I didn’t watch much, but I do remember the theme song…

Sunny day, sweeping’ the clouds away.
On my way to where the air is sweet.
Can you tell me how to get,
how to get to Sesame Street?

Anyway… Read more

Maybe I’m a Prude…

…but I find a lot of dresses to be too short for my taste. Or are they just really long shirts? I really don’t know, but I have this banded bottom shirt/dress/THING just hanging in my closet.

As many know, it’s supposed to be worn like this…

Found here

…which I don’t find it very flattering on my figure. Every time I’ve worn this, I hid the band to make it look like a loose shirt, but it rode up and constantly pulling at my clothes gets annoying fast. Since I like the neckline and how the fabric flows, I decided to remove, loosen and then reattach the entire band.

I cut the band in half and then shortened them to fit the bottom of the shirt. I’ve successfully replaced the ambiguous article of clothing into a definitive shirt!

Circle Skirt turned Dress

SURPRISE! I ended up making something to wear this week :] I also got bored last night and decided to make my name tag out of scrap fabric! Who wants to blend in with a name tag made with markers and a piece of folded paper?

But, on to the main piece. Prior to starting this Thesis project, I’ve always kept an eye out on different DIY projects and tutorials. I have a whole bookmarks folder dedicated to tutorials I found interesting or simple enough for me to complete. This week, I decided to make a circle skirt.

The person who created the tutorial said she used a bed sheet to make the skirt and I realized I had tons of bed sheets laying around the house so I hastened to my closet and pulled out this beauty from back in the 90s…

Please excuse the kitty...

…and I made this!

The bed sheet I used had a wide strip of solid fabric at the top, which I found could be used to convert the skirt into a dress. It’s a two-in-one! However, today’s forecast was cold and rainy so I decided to wear it like a long shirt with a pair of skinny jeans. Coincidentally, this is my 3rd post and I tend to park on the 3rd floor of a certain parking garage on campus so….

P.S. I make a lot of funny faces >.<
Happy Friday!!