Posts Tagged ‘ Valentine’s Day

Hearts Galore! [Part 2]

So, what did I do with the pink heart-filled tank I found in my closet? Well, the shirt was much too short on me so I found another shirt in my closet [donated by my friend Patrick] and fused them!

But, you see that giant hole in the front of the shirt? AHHH-inducing, I know. I wrung my hands and then got over it. :]

I was originally going to make a ruffled tank but failed miserably on the ruffle because I didn’t measure the top half of the shirt [It was kind of impossible as my measuring tape has gone missing over a month ago!! *-.-] I cut the grey shirt across under the arm holes and the pink one around the middle after sewing the edges of the grey in an A-line so it would fit to the top portion. Then I sewed them together with the gaping hole at the back of the shirt.

In place of the ruffle, I decided to make something else to put on the front of the tank. I cut out several hearts from the leftover parts of the shirt and layered!

To cover up the rip, I cut out more hearts! I made it just large enough to cover the hole, but not too excessive. As I was pinning it into place, my sister walked into the room and said, “Whoa! That’s so cool! Are you making a pocket?” Hm…not my original intention but sounds like an awesome idea. Thanks, kid sister :]

I volunteered tonight at a local hospice and it was still decorated for Valentine’s day! Perfect :]

Hearts Galore!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

There are so many DIY projects available for this lovey-dovey kind of day and I couldn’t help but get lost looking through it all. My friend, Jessie, sent me a link for DIY website called design*sponge last week. As I was exploring the site, I saw a bunch of projects that caught my eye. The whole time I was thinking, too bad I don’t have tons of fabric just laying about…but I DO have lots of yarn!

So, I decided to start with a couple crochet projects. The first was a heart garland. I’m a beginner at crocheting, so it took me a bit to figure out the instructions and, needless to say, I didn’t really follow them very well resulting in variously sized crochet hearts. But, to be honest, I kind of like how some are thin and others are wide.

Now my room is all festive <3

As I finished making these hearts, I realized that I wanted to make a shirt for valentine’s day. I came up with several ideas and the one that stuck was a racer back tank top, held together in the back with a crochet heart. However, I’d want it to be a big crochet heart. Looking up designs led me to find another tutorial!  However, the heart was still too small for my liking [ new shirt today] and I already made a garland.  So what to do with the extra heart? Make a necklace! :]

I was still feeling crafty after all that, so I looked through my closet and found…a pink tank top with silver hearts! PERFECT! But what to do…

[To be continued!!]